Humanity Upside Down Series
In response to the current tense political climate and ongoing pandemic, I have created a series that closely mirrors our own world. With slight revisions to names and situations, I hope to bring to attention the dire state our world is in. In an alternate yet eerily similar reality, the narrative unfolds. Chapter 1 is meant to introduce the atmosphere and build a foundation of curiosity for the ongoing series. Originally, the concept was birthed from a political cartoon sketch I made of Trump, upon hearing his disregard for the CDC. My extreme shock at the series of events unfolding resulted in me continuing this idea, by basing a character that could begin a movement and attempt to bring change before their apocalyptic world comes to a bitter end. Character development was essential and fleshing out the main character Nina was an intriguing process. She holds many of the same values I do, with a streak of rebellion and martyr-like nature. In her situation, she is forced to act.
While story boarding, I was very influenced by the methods of social commentary from Minerva Cuevas and Sophia Al Maria. They are immensely powerful, and I wanted to translate my messages in a similar manner that is easy to access. Drafting was inspired by the penciling of Greg Capullo, where the basics are put on paper and then developed further as inspiration comes. I followed the initial process, then transfer to a digital canvas on Fire Alpaca. I felt comfortable in this format, as it could easily be published once the first few chapters were completed and many people could have access to it. In a world on the brink of collapse, morality is tested, and I am pushing myself to show this through the straightforward language and overemphasized features. This project continues to challenge my artistic capabilities and I am very excited to move forward with development.